TGIAF is one year old!
January the 11th 2013 marked one year since this website was launched, and to celebrate that, we ran this competition. The competition is now closed, and below are the answers.
Question One - London 2012
At the top of this page are the ten members of TGIAF's London 2012 hall of fame. For this round one point was given for each person identified. The answers can be seen in the slideshow below.
Question Three - other sports
Below are a series of coins made to commemorate TGIAF's anniversary. The question was, what is the main trophy each person won in 2012?
You can use the slideshow below to view the answers. |
Question Two - football
Below are pictures of three Premiership stars from earlier in their careers.
In this round each player needs to be named, along with the total cost of bringing all three players to the Premiership. Finally, what linked these three players in 2012? Use the slideshow to see the answers. Question Four - TGIAF
The answers to all these questions can be found on various articles on this site.
a. At which age is a batsman in cricket most likely to have the highest average? - 31 b. Which nation, out of China, Russia and the USA, is the best at supporting Paralympic athletes, taking into account Olympic success? - China c. If a penalty is taken where both the shot and the goalkeeper go to the penalty taker's natural side, what is the probability that the shot will go in? - 70% d. After Australia, who was the next-strongest Test cricket nation over the period 1990-2012? - South Africa e. Out of England, France and Italy, which nation has the highest proportion of left-footed goalkeepers? - France f. In the Premiership, which position is England most under-represented in? - Goalkeeper g. Top-flight wages for footballers in England have always been increasing. However, in which decade is there the largest annual leap in wages, taking into account exponential growth? - The 1970's h. In the 2008 Champions League final, which two Chelsea penalty takers ignored advice given to them about Edwin Van der Sar's diving patterns? - Ashley Cole and Nicolas Anelka i. What is the name of the distribution which the ages of Test cricket batsmen follows? - Normal (or Gaussian) j. What should you change if you manage to toss a coin and get three tails in a row? - Nothing (although your socks are also acceptable) |
The Results
Incredibly, the result of the competition ended with two entrants neck-and-neck. So to separate these two, it was decided there would have to be a penalty shootout, using the rules set aside in my penalties article.
Each entrant chose the five sides to place their shots, and the five directions for their goalkeepers to dive. Below is the result of the shootout, as drawn on my office whiteboard:
Each entrant chose the five sides to place their shots, and the five directions for their goalkeepers to dive. Below is the result of the shootout, as drawn on my office whiteboard: